Privacy Policy

The National Personal Data Protection Law, approved by Law no. 58/2019, of 8 August, hereinafter ‘LPDP’) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, hereinafter ‘GDPR’) ensure the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

We are constantly concerned about the security and protection of the privacy of all the data you provide.

Therefore, in addition to complying with the law, the collection and processing of data is carried out under strict control and security measures, so that access or manipulation of this data in an incorrect or unauthorised manner is prevented.

By creating an account on our website you declare that you consent to the processing of your personal data for the purposes pursued by ZENITH ABILITY UNIPESSOAL, LDA.’

At any time you have the right to withdraw your consent, without jeopardising the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent previously given.


1 - Identification of the Data Controller:

The data controller is ZENITH ABILITY UNIPESSOAL, LDA, NIPC 509839410, with registered office at Centro Empresarial de Braga - Rua Professor Doutor Henrique Barros - Lote D2 - 4705-319 Braga, e-mail address [email protected], hereinafter referred to as ZENITH.

This means that it is ZENITH that regulates and is responsible for the processing and protection of your personal data.


2 - What types of data can we collect?

According to the law, personal data is any ‘information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (the data subject); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person’.

ZENITH collects and processes your personal data provided with your consent, which is informed, express, free and unequivocal, so that your personal data is included in a file for which ZENITH is responsible, which complies with the appropriate technical and organisational security measures.

The personal data collected and processed by ZENITH are those that you voluntarily make available to us, through the various collection vehicles on the website, that is, through the different moments of interaction with the user provided throughout the Website. In addition, ZENITH may also collect and process your personal data that you provide orally or in writing (for example, by telephone call, e-mail, etc.).

Depending on the purpose for which we process your data, as explained below, we need to collect certain data which, in general, will be as follows:

- Identification and contact details (e.g. your name, email address, address, tax number, telephone number, etc.);

- Purchase information: (e.g. gender, name of the target child, information on the personalisation of items, etc.);

- Economic and transaction information (e.g. IBAN, information relating to your purchases, orders, returns, etc.);

- Online behaviour data (e.g. information on the history of products you have searched for or purchased, information on your browsing of the website and your interaction with the brand, and link, geolocation and/or navigation data, etc.).


Please note that if you decide not to provide some of the above data, you may not be able to complete your user registration or you may not be able to enjoy our services or functionalities.


3 - The Purposes for Processing Personal Data:

The way you interact with our website determines the data that is collected and processed. Therefore, depending on the functionalities, products and services you wish to use, ZENITH will use your personal data for the following purposes:

- Managing your registration: when you register on our website we need to process your data to identify you as a user and to give you access to the various features, products and services available to you as a registered user.

- Managing your purchase: we use the personal information you provide to:

ü  process and send you your order;

ü  inform you, by email, telephone and/or SMS, about the status of your order and other communications about it that we consider relevant to providing you with the best service;

ü  manage possible exchanges or returns after you have made a purchase;

ü  manage requests for information on the availability of items;

ü  for invoicing purposes and to provide you with receipts and invoices for purchases made through the website.

- Customer support: to answer your questions or fulfil your requests through the customer support channels ([email protected]).

- Direct Marketing: we use the personal information you provide us with to:

ü  we use information from your browsing (for example, your purchase and search history, the products viewed or added to your shopping basket, etc.) to analyse your user profile, to make recommendations based on your interactions and to send you information about the offers, services and products best suited to your profile;

ü  sending communications with promotions, news and other information of interest, via email and/or SMS, either directly or through companies carefully selected for this purpose.

- Quality and satisfaction assessment: customers who have made purchases on our website are sent quality and satisfaction surveys by email in order to analyse their level of satisfaction and identify areas where we can improve.


4 - What legitimises us to process your data?

The legal grounds that allow us to process your personal data also depend on the purpose for which we process it. The processing of your personal data is therefore necessary:

ü  in accordance with the terms that regulate the use of our Website, so we have a legitimate interest in associating your account with your purchases and the data collected through different channels of the Platform in relation to your activity;

ü  for the conclusion and execution of the contract for the purchase and sale of our products and services;

ü  in customer support, namely in the fulfilment of our legal obligations arising from the conclusion of the purchase and sale contract, in the management of incidents related to your order, as well as ZENITH's legitimate interest in answering your questions or satisfying your requests that you place with us through the existing contact channels.

ü  in Direct Marketing - the legitimate basis for processing your data for these purposes being the consent you give us - to provide you with personalised information and services, considering that we have a legitimate interest in drawing up a profile of each user with the personal data you have provided us, as we understand that processing this data is also beneficial to you because it allows you to improve your user experience and access information according to your preferences.

ü  in the evaluation of quality and satisfaction, considering ZENITH's legitimate interest in the continuous improvement of the products and services it offers the customer, as we understand that the processing of this data is also beneficial for the customer because the purpose is to improve their experience and offer them a higher quality service.


5 - How long will we keep your data?

The length of time we keep your data depends on the purposes for which we process it:

ü  Managing your registration: the data will be kept for as long as you remain a registered user, i.e. until you decide to delete your user account. You can delete your user account at any time by contacting customer support.

ü  Management of your purchase: the data will be kept for as long as necessary to manage the purchase of products or services, including possible returns, complaints or claims associated with the purchase of the product or service in question;

ü  Customer support: the data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil your request or enquiry, as well as for the time established in the applicable regulations in each case;

ü  Direct marketing: data will be kept until you decide to unsubscribe from our newsletter;

ü  Quality and satisfaction evaluation: the data will be used sporadically for the time necessary to send the evaluation questionnaires.


It should be noted that, although we process your data for the time strictly necessary to fulfil the corresponding purpose, we will subsequently keep it duly stored and protected for as long as liabilities may arise from the processing, in accordance with the legislation in force at any given time.


6 - Who do we share your data with?

In order to fulfil the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, ZENITH reserves the right to share your personal data, and no more than is strictly necessary, with the entities that support us in the services we offer you and with third parties, namely:

ü  financial institutions, payment institutions and payment technology platforms;

ü  transport, distribution and parcel delivery service providers;

ü  direct marketing and web hosting service providers (for example, MailChimp, which sends all communications via email);

ü  public authorities, such as the Tax and Customs Authority;

ü  analytical and technological service providers (e.g. Google Analytics with regard to statistics and the profile of platform users).


ZENITH may also transfer your data in order to comply with legal, tax or advertising obligations, or following subcontracting relationships established for its own purposes, always subject to adequate protection guarantees, without your authorisation.

7 - How do we protect your personal data?

In order to protect your personal data, ZENITH has various information security measures and procedures in place to prevent improper use of your data, unauthorised access and disclosure, loss and improper alteration or deletion, either by restricting access to personal data, increasing security in its storage, or by protecting and monitoring computer devices, preventing unauthorised access and use of the data by third parties.

ZENITH guarantees the confidentiality of the data you may provide because it is stored on a secure server that encrypts it. You can check that your browser is secure if the padlock symbol appears or if the address begins with https.

In our commitment to keeping your personal data safe, we constantly update and improve our protection measures.


8 - What are your rights regarding the protection of personal data?

We are committed to respecting the confidentiality of your personal data and guaranteeing you the exercise of your rights.

To this end, we inform you that you can exercise your rights free of charge by sending us an e-mail to ([email protected]), indicating the reason for your request and the right you wish to exercise.

Without prejudice to the above, you can exercise the following rights with regard to your personal data at any time:

- Right to access: the right to obtain confirmation from ZENITH's data controller as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed and, if so, the right to access your personal data;

- Right to rectification: request the correction of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data. You can also conveniently change them in your user account;

- Right to erasure: request the deletion of personal data that is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or processed, or if its processing is unlawful;

- Right to restriction of processing: request that the processing of your data be restricted in specific cases;

- Right to portability: when we have legitimised the processing of your data through your consent or for the purposes of the contract, you can receive the personal data you have provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form, so that you can transmit it directly to another entity without any hindrance on our part;

- Right to object: when the processing of your data is based on our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to the processing of your data;

- Right to automated individual decisions: request that decisions made on the basis of automated processing of data concerning you or significantly affecting you be made by natural persons and not just by computers. You also have the right, in this case, to express your point of view and contest the decision;

- Right to withdraw the consent you have given us to process your data: you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without jeopardising the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent previously given, which must be done by sending an email to the email address [email protected], stating: ‘I withdraw my consent to the processing of my personal data.’. In this case, you will be contacted by our customer service team.

- Right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority, namely the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD), located at Av. D. Carlos I, 134, 1º, 1200-651 Lisboa, contact 213 928 400 and e-mail: [email protected].

- Right to legal action.


9 - Information on Cookies:

In order to facilitate your browsing on our website, understand how you interact with us and, in certain situations, be able to show you advertising based on analysing your browsing habits, we use cookies and similar devices.

The specific cookies we use are described in the cookie configuration panel, which you can access at any time on our website.

In the Cookies configuration panel you can obtain all the information about the Cookies used, the date and ID of your consent, as well as manage the activation and deactivation of the use of Cookies that are not strictly necessary for the operation of our website. Alternatively, if you are browsing the Internet, you can deactivate the use of Cookies in your browser.

The main purpose of our Cookies is to optimise the performance of the website, ensuring smooth and personalised browsing. We use Cookies to store user preferences, such as language and regional settings, track interactions on the site for behavioural analysis and ensure the persistence of the shopping cart status, even if the session is interrupted.

In addition, cookies are used to improve page loading efficiency and enable features such as automatic login.

The information stored in the Cookies on our website is used by us and by third parties such as analytics providers and marketing platforms to carry out traffic and user behaviour analysis (e.g. Google Analytics) and to display personalised advertisements on external networks (e.g. Google Ads and Facebook Ads).

We also use Cookies to identify usage patterns that help us detect and prevent fraud, improve website security and adapt the content offered based on user interactions and preferences. All this data is processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation (e.g. GDPR).


10 - Other Considerations:

- In the event of a merger, spin-off, transformation, dissolution or insolvency of the ZENITH commercial company, your data may be transmitted to third parties, as a commercial asset, always in compliance with the applicable law and maintaining your rights as a data subject, namely regarding the consent given and the rights of opposition, access, rectification, erasure, limitation and portability.

- In the event of any legislative or commercial changes, ZENITH reserves the right to amend this Policy at any time, so you should consult it whenever you use this Website.

-ZENITH assumes no responsibility for the user entering personal data of third parties in order to receive any commercial contact.

- For more information, please contact us by e-mail at [email protected].